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master music production

And consistently create stream-worthy songs

For Intermediate Producers

10-level roadmap to master music production with 69 in-depth video lessons


Learn at your own pace with full lifetime access to all course materials

30 Day Guarantee

Protect your purchase with a full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

A Proven Process For Creating Polished And Professional Songs That Sound Just As Good As Your Favorite Artists

From the studio of: Simon Servida
Toronto, Canada

Inspiration strikes.

You open your DAW and get started on a new beat.

You cook up a melody, add some drums and bass, but it still sounds weak and empty.

So you add a few more layers, turn on some effects…

master music production

And Consistently create stream-worthy songs

For the intermediate producer who wants to turn their musical ideas into finished songs that sound as good as your favorite artists.

Read below to learn my proven process for mastering music production:

for intermediate producers

10-level roadmap to master music production with 69 in-depth lessons

Lifetime Access

Learn at your own pace with full lifetime access to all course materials

30 day guarantee

Protect your purchase with a full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

attention producers:

Does This Story
Sound Familiar?

Inspiration strikes.

You open your DAW and get started on a new beat.

You cook up a melody, add some drums and bass, but it still sounds weak and empty.

So you add a few more layers, turn on some effects…

But your beat still sounds “off”
and you have no idea why!

And because you don’t know how to translate the idea in your head into something that sounds great…

But your beat still sounds “off” and you have no idea why!

And because you don’t know how to translate the
idea in your head into something that sounds great…

You Give Up On Your Beat Because

you don't know how to
turn it into a finished song

You Give Up On Your Beat

Because you don't
know how to finish it

After working with over 4,200 students in my online courses, and millions more through my YouTube channel, I know firsthand how many producers get stuck at this level.

No matter how much time they spend in the studio, they often run into the same issues:

They have a folder full of unfinished beats, but don’t think any of them are good enough to publish online

They know how to make a good melody, but don’t know how to add more variety to their music and arrange it into a cohesive, finished product

They lack the confidence to work with artists or musicians because they don’t know how to lead a studio session, write lyrics, or record vocals

And they get frustrated and overwhelmed when they listen to their favorite artists because their own music never sounds as good!

If any of these sound familiar, trust me, you’re not alone!

But why do so many intermediate producers reach this frustrating plateau?

And what’s the missing link between just creating a cool beat and turning that beat into a professional song that get millions of streams online?

Here's what holds
most producers back

From Reaching The Pro Level

When you’re just starting out, learning how to produce music is all about putting in the reps and learning how to use your DAW efficiently.

Over time you build a decent bank of sounds and plugins, sprinkle in some music theory and you’re well on your way to creating beats that sound pretty good!

But if you want to go beyond just making beats and become what I call “The Ultimate Producer”…

Someone who can:

Effortlessly express themselves creatively and turn the ideas in their head into finished songs that you’d be proud to publish online

Bring value to any room, whether you’re working with a session musician or famous artist, and be the glue that connects everyone together

And confidently create “Stream-worthy” music that’s as good as anything you’ll hear online

You’ll need to…

Here's what holds most producers back

From Reaching The Pro Level

When you’re just starting out, learning how to produce music is all about putting in the reps and learning how to use your DAW efficiently.

Over time you build a decent bank of sounds and plugins, sprinkle in some music theory and you’re well on your way to creating beats that sound pretty good!

But if you want to go beyond just making beats and become what I call “The Ultimate Producer”…

Someone who can:

Effortlessly express themselves creatively and turn the ideas in their head into finished songs that you’d be proud to publish online

Bring value to any room, whether you’re working with a session musician or famous artist, and be the glue that connects everyone together

And confidently create “Stream-worthy” music that’s as good as anything you’ll hear online

You’ll need to…

Stop Making Beats Without A Gameplan

Stop Making Beats Without A Gameplan

And Learn How To Produce Music Like The Pros

The biggest trap I see producers make when learning how to get better is going down all these crazy rabbit holes online…

They watch a few music theory videos in one place, get some beat ideas somewhere else…

And even though they’re learning some interesting things, it’s hard to “connect the dots” between all these concepts and apply it to their music in a practical way.

I remember when I was starting out, it took me YEARS to make any progress because I just wandered around aimlessly making music without a gameplan.

But that all changed when I learned…

The 3 Keys To Mastering

Music Production

#1. Songwriting is a skill that can be learned

One of the most challenging parts of creating great music is understanding song structure and how to arrange your music into a cohesive song.

Even worse, many producers have a hidden fear that because it doesn’t come naturally, they worry they might not have the talent to do it at all.

But what you need to realize is, songwriting is a skill that anyone can develop!

Think about it, would you give up on playing a musical instrument if it didn’t sound right on your first try?

Then why would it be any different when learning how to write better songs?!

Just like any other skill, creating catchy songs that get stuck in your listener’s head is a skill that ANYONE can master.

#2. You need to expand your “Production Toolkit”

After nearly 15 years in the game, I’ve realized the only difference between a top tier producer and the intermediate is how big their “production toolkit” is.

Whether it’s writing lyrics, creating punchy, professional sounding vocals, or arranging your mix into a cohesive completed song…

The more tools you have at your disposal, the more creativity and confidence you’ll have during the songwriting process!

This is why it looks so effortless when I create my music on YouTube…

It’s not that I’m some creative genius, I’ve just spent more time building my toolkit!

Which leads to the third and most important part…

#3. You need a GAMEPLAN for mastering music production

If you’re familiar with my first online course, Pro Level Beats, then you know how I’ve helped thousands of producers create better beats…

By teaching a simple, step by step beat making process that cut out all the unnecessary fluff and complicated music theory…

So that instead of wasting years becoming classically trained like I did, they quickly learned an efficient process for creating better melodies and “pro level beats.”

And after seeing so many intermediate producers getting stuck without a gameplan to reach the next level…

I’ve created a comprehensive music production course, distilling down everything I’ve learned after 15+ years of producing music…

Teaching you step by step how to write, record and produce “pro level” music.


And Become The Ultimate Producer

Instead of just randomly creating beats without a gameplan for getting better, you’ll now have a process you can follow to create great music every time you open your DAW.

No more giving up on your song when it doesn’t sound right, now you’ll have the skills to:

Add more variety to your mixes without needing expensive plugins or instrument packs

Create polished and professional music that sounds just as good as your favorite artists

Confidently work with talented artists and musicians even if you’ve never met them before

And most importantly, doing it in an efficient and FUN way that gets you excited about your music and proud to publish your finished songs online

(Plus I’ll show you how to promote your songs to more people and get millions of streams online!)

It’s a milestone well worth reaching…

Hi, my name is

Simon Servida

I started my YouTube channel back in 2018 with the goal of helping producers level up their production skills and having a little fun while doing it!

And there’s no way I could’ve imagined just a few years later I’d have over 700,000 subscribers on my channel and thousands of students in my online courses…

I’ve also been lucky to work with some of the top producers and artists in the industry, and accumulated over 100 Million streams from my music (As well as winning a few awards along the way 😎)

And what I’ve learned after working with so many producers, from complete beginner’s to guys at the top of their craft is…

The fastest way to reach the “Pro Level” is by following a well-crafted, progressive gameplan that walks you step by step through the entire music production process.

Which is why, after many months of work, I’m incredibly excited to introduce…

Hi, my name is

Simon Servida

I started my YouTube channel back in 2018 with the goal of helping producers level up their production skills and having a little fun while doing it!

And there’s no way I could’ve imagined just a few years later I’d have over 700,000 subscribers on my channel and thousands of students in my online courses…

I’ve also been lucky to work with some of the top producers and artists in the industry, and accumulated over 100 Million streams from my music (As well as winning a few awards along the way 😎)

And what I’ve learned after working with so many producers, from complete beginner’s to guys at the top of their craft is…

The fastest way to reach the “Pro Level” is by following a well-crafted, progressive gameplan that walks you step by step through the entire music production process.

Which is why, after many months of work, I’m incredibly excited to introduce…

The Most Comprehensive
Music Production Course Online

For Intermediate Producers Who Want To Consistently Create Stream-Worthy Music

The Most Comprehensive Music Production Course Online
Designed For Intermediate Producers Who Want To Consistently Create Stream-Worthy Music That’s As Good As Anything You’ll Hear Online

With 10 progressive levels of video trainings housed inside a private members area, teaching you step by step how to write, record and produce “pro level” music.

Holding your hand every step of the way, as we move from production workflows, to finding inspiration, to developing your ideas into beats…

To song structure, arranging, mixing, mastering, and even writing lyrics and working with professional rappers and artists!

So if you’re ready to take your music to the next level – Then click
the button below and join me inside Pro Level Production today!

Damitryes W

Definitely an investment that will boost your music production skills

This course gave me the extra push I needed to level up my music. I began to see significant results in my songs as soon as I applied each module.

Simon’s method of production helped me integrate new ways to improve my mix and creative tips to make my music more unique and engaging. THANK YOUU!

George H

As a beginner this course really helped me improve my music production skills.

I feel more confident on what I’m doing when creating and producing a song from start to finish. The guidelines and content are great and organized. I really enjoyed it, thanks!

V. Smokes

Everything You Need to Get Started!

Let me start off by saying that I bought both courses, Pro Level Beats & Pro Level Production a few months apart and they’re the exact complete package I’ve spent years looking for!

Step by step Simon guides you through every aspect you could possibly need for both making beats & producing! Both of these courses are Phenomenal!

Sergio N

Well put together

You can tell a lot of thought and effort went in to this course. The bonus sessions with Simon are also great because you get direct feedback from the master on your music! I was most impressed with Simon's musical ear, his ability to deconstruct beats, find little details and give constructive criticism is exceptional!

Here’s How We’ll Level Up
Your Music Together


Setting Yourself Up For Success
With The Ultimate DAW Workflow


Setting Yourself Up For Success With The Ultimate DAW Workflow

Before we jump into the songwriting, we need to get your DAW setup for success!

So I’ll share my best tips and tricks to speed up your workflow and make sure the most important functions are one click away when you need them.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

By the end of Level 1 you’ll already have a new-found familiarity with your DAW, which is key to moving beyond the software and focusing more on the creative process.

And with your studio setup for success, it’s time to move on to…


Finding Inspiration And
Developing Your Ideas Into Beats


Finding Inspiration And Developing Your Ideas Into Better Beats

It’s time to start cooking! Level 2 is all about getting inspired and adding more variety to your music with some of my favorite strategies for bringing your musical ideas to life.

Here’s some of what you learn:

By the end of Level 2, I guarantee you’ll never run out of new musical ideas again and be more committed to finishing your songs because you know what it takes to make great music.


The Basics of Song Structure
And Arranging With Efficiency


The Basics Of Song Structure And Arranging With Efficiency

Then in Level 3, we’ll push beyond the basics of beat making by learning how to turn that beat into a fully fledged song with multiple sections and a cohesive structure.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

And then we’ll bring it all together with the final exercise for Level 3, where you’ll apply the song structure you just learned to one of your favorite beats!

But of course we won’t stop there, because no song is complete without a topline melody, which is what we’ll get into in the next level…


Mastering The Topline And
Creating Catchier Melodies


Mastering The Topline And Creating Catchier Melodies

As much as I love a 🔥 beat, the most memorable part of any song is a topline you can sing along to.

So next we’ll learn what goes into a great topline and how to mumble your way to better melodies.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

We’ll finish Level 4 by working on a new topline together, and I’ll show you how to add a variety of rhythmic patterns and musical phrases to your melody.

But we’re not done yet! If you want to turn that catchy topline into actual words, you’ll need to learn…


Writing Lyrics Like A Pro


Writing Lyrics Like A Pro

Even if you plan to work with professional singers or rappers, being able to write lyrics on your own is a valuable skill you can bring to any studio session.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

By the end of Level 5, you’ll have all the essential tools needed to create catchier, more memorable toplines that get shared with friends and millions of streams online.

But it doesn’t matter how great your topline is if you’re recording isn’t top-notch, so next we’ll focus on…


Recording Better Vocals
And Working With Artists


Recording Better Vocals And Working With Artists

Here’s the truth: If you want to play in the big leagues, you need to know how to work with other artists.

It’s obviously a much higher pressure situation than just sitting at home making beats by yourself, so I’ll show you what you need to be prepared for your next studio session.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

By the end of Level 6, you’ll now have the tools to work with ANY artist, no matter how talented…

Giving you a new-found confidence to setup more studio sessions and turn your creative vision into a reality.


Next Level Vocals And
Advanced FX Techniques


Next Level Vocals And Advanced FX Techniques

Now it’s time to dial in the vocals, which is what Level 7 is all about! I’ll show you how to create thick, warm, and punchy vocals to elevate your songs to the next level.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

By the end of Level 7, you’ll have dozens of new tricks and tips to try in your next recording session, and know exactly what it takes to get your vocals to shine.

Now it’s time to add the final touches and transitions to really set your song apart…


Transitions, Build-Ups
And Advanced Automation


Transitions, Build-Ups And Advanced Automation

If you want your song to sound like one cohesive track, transitions are KEY to smoothly bridging the gap between each section.

So next we’ll learn multiple ways to add transitions to your music, so you can easily switch it up when you want more variation in your songs.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

The effective use of transitions is one of the biggest differences between the intermediate producer and the pro.

And after Level 8, you’ll know exactly how and when to use them to smoothly transition between each section of your song while still maintaining a cohesive final edit.


Mixing Your Music Like A Pro


Mixing Your Music Like A Pro

It’s easy to get intimidated when it comes to mixing…  All those knobs and sliders!

So I’ll teach you a fast and efficient way to mix your songs like a pro, side-stepping all the complicated math and fancy plugins.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

By the end of Level 9, you’ll have a professional mixing workflow that’s both efficient and leads to a professional and polished final song.

Which leads us perfectly into the final level…


A Beginner's Guide To
Mastering Your Music


A Beginner’s Guide To Mastering Your Music

For Level 10, I’ve recruited my good friend Dawson, a professional audio engineer and record producer who’s worked with both Juno and Grammy award winning talent…

Brought in to teach you the ins and outs of mastering your music like a pro.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

By the end of Level 10, you’ll have a much better understanding of what the mastering process looks like and how to do the basics on your own.

And finally, to hammer home everything we’ve learned throughout this course…


Pro Level Production In Action

Boom! We’ve made it!

Now that you’ve got the tools to master music production, I want to take you inside the studio and show you multiple examples of how I work with artists and to see your new skills in action!

You’ll see how I set up my sessions before the artist arrives, how we work together to find inspiration, creating multiple toplines, and what to do when things go wrong!

With a “Director’s Cut” breakdown of each session, where I’ll explain why I made each decision and what I’d do differently looking back.

Giving you invaluable second-hand experience that you can lean on in your next studio session – And I’ll even show you how to find local artists to work with in your area!


GET $594 In Valuable Bonuses


The Ultimate Producer Toolkit ($197 Value)

To make this course as comprehensive as possible, I’m also including these special limited time bonuses, yours free when you join today!

First, you’ll get The Ultimate Producer Toolkit…

Which is a compilation of drumkits, loops, and sounds that I use most often in my mixes.

After spending literal years of my life sifting through the noise, these sounds are my hand-picked favorites that will guarantee your next mix sounds more polished and pro.


The Marketing Music Masterclass ($297 Value)

When you join today, you’ll also gain access to my Music Marketing Masterclass.

This is the first time I’ve ever talked about how I promote my music through social media…

Where I’ll break down the exact strategy I used to build my brand and get over 100 millions streams online.

And don’t worry if you don’t have an audience yet, I’ll show you how I started from scratch with TikTok and quickly turned it into my fastest growing channel!

I could easily sell this as a stand-alone course, but when you join Pro Level Production, you’ll get the entire masterclass included with your purchase for free.

Special Offer Ends In:

Let’s Recap Everything You Get:


You Get It All Today For:


(Or 3 Payments of $79)

30 Day Money Back


30 Day Money-Back

“Stream-Worthy Song” Guarantee

On top that, I believe in this course so much that I’m also including a no questions asked 30 Day “Stream-Worthy Song” Guarantee.

This gives you a full month to try out the course, apply what you learn…

And if you don’t hear a tangible difference in your music, if you don’t have a new-found excitement to hit the publish button on your next song…

Just send my team an email that you’re not satisfied, and I’ll send you 100% of your money back!

No questions asked, no hoops to jump through.

Just make an honest attempt at following this 10 Level program,
and I will literally guarantee your songwriting success.

The Time To Get Started Is Now!

With my 30 Day 100% money-back guarantee, you literally have no risk!

Click the big green button below to join now, and let me help you take your production skills to the next level.

You’ll instantly be redirected to the checkout page where you can enter your credit card details with 100% secured 32-bit encryption.

Followed by immediate access to the Private Members area, where you can start watching the Level 1 videos right away!



This Is Your Shortcut To Success


After 15+ years in the game, I can confidently say there are few things in life as rewarding as being able to express yourself through your music – And seeing millions of people enjoy your songs online.

Now it’s your turn to join me on the journey! I’d love to be your guide along the way.

Instead of wasting years of your life, randomly learning things from all over the internet, this is your shortcut to success.

It all starts by clicking the big green button below, and let’s get started making better music together!

Simon Servida

Creator of Pro Level Production

Got Questions?


Intermediate can mean a lot of things, but basically this course is for someone who has some experience creating beats and a basic understanding of music theory.

That being said, this course has immense value for ANY producer no matter what level you’re at…

And remember, there is always a 30 Day money back guarantee! So you can always give it a try and easily get a refund if it isn’t a good fit for you. (Or exchange it for my beginner course, Pro Level Beats if it’s within the first 30 days!)

Pro Level Production was created with the intermediate producer in mind who wants to turn their beats into finished songs.

While Pro Level Beats touches on some similar concepts, it is much more focused on the beginner who wants to learn about music theory and the basics of beat making.

Pro Level Production is more for the producer who wants to go beyond making beats, and graduate to the professional level where their music can compete with the top artists around the world.

While the examples I give in this course use FL Studio, you can just as easily apply what you learn to any DAW (Ableton, Garage Band, or Logic Pro, etc.)

Pro Level Production is a self-paced online course, so you can go through the lessons at any time that’s convenient for you. And because you get lifetime access to all the materials when you join, you don’t need to worry if your schedule is busy right now.

So even if something comes up that prevents you from starting right away or slows down your progress, the course will always be available whenever you have the time.

Nope! I’ve purposely added examples of both paid and free plugins so that no matter what your budget is you’ll be able to make more professional sounding music after finishing the course.

This is a graduated course that walks you step by step through each level. If you tried to learn everything in this course from YouTube, you’d need to sift through years of content and only scratch the surface on what’s included in this course.

Secondly, I go into much more advanced concepts in this course that I’ve never talked about on YouTube because it would go over most viewers heads.

Once enrolled, you will have lifetime access to Pro Level Production videos.

We’ve created a custom learning platform on our own server so that you’ll never lose access to the training videos and bonus content. (As well as any future materials I may add to the course down the road)

Yes, there are payment plans available. Click the big “Reserve Your Seat” button to pay the full price of $197 or the “Click Here for Payment Plan” link below the button if you’d prefer to pay in 3 payments of $79.

Yep!  All you need to do is choose the payment plan you prefer, and then fill out the “Enter Your Account Information” section on the checkout page.

Then, just scroll down and click the “Pay with PayPal” link to be redirected to PayPal to complete your purchase.

Yes, you will be able to sign up for Pro Level Production after this special launch, but the price will be $100 higher, and lose access to the bonuses like the Marketing Music Masterclass and Ultimate Producer’s Toolkit.

Yes! That’s why I created my 30 Day Money Back “Stream-Worthy Song” Guarantee.

Here’s how it works: Go through the course, follow my songwriting process, record a few songs – And if you don’t create some of the best music of your life in the next 30 days, I’ll send you 100% of your money back!



Ratings and Reviews

Avg. Rating
7 Ratings
What's your experience? We'd love to know!
Posted 8 months ago
A well constructed learning path

The course is the continuity of the Pro level beats course. Simon goes into details and in the right order. I've seen my music improving during the course thanks to each small details brought by the course.

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Sergio N
Posted 8 months ago
"Where words fail, music speaks." ... Learn the language! : ]

The course is well put together, you can tell that thought and effort went in to it. The bonuses add not only extra value but also an opportunity to learn a little about what to do with your music. However I was most impressed with Simon's musical ear, his ability to deconstruct beats, find little details and give constructive criticism is exceptional!

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Vinci Smokes
Posted 9 months ago
Everything You Need to Get Started ! From Started at the Bottom, Now We Here !

Well let me Start Off by saying that I Bought both Courses, Pro Level Beats & Pro Level Productions a few months apart from each other, & they're the Exact Completed Package I've spent years looking for! Step by Step Simon Servida Guides you through Every single aspect you possibly ever need for Both making Beats & Producing ! My Inspiration Thanks to Both of these Courses are Phenomenal! V.Smokes

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George H
Posted 9 months ago
There is a workflow to follow

As a beginner this course really helped me improve my music skills, I feel more confident on what I'm doing when making and producing a song from start to finish. The guidelines and contents are great and organized. I really enjoyed it, thanks!

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Damitryes W
Posted 9 months ago
Definitely an investment that will boost your music production capabilities

This course gave me the extra push I needed to level up my music. I began to see significant results in my music as soon as I applied each module. There is something new to learn in each section of the course, meaning you will always learn something new. Simon’s methods of production help you to integrate new ways to improve your mix and creative tips to make your music unique and engaging.

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Ryan T
Posted 9 months ago
How small pieces all come together to form the bigger picture.

Tbh I haven't found anything I have disliked. all information presented has been easily digestible and straight to the point. I had initially hoped to take my craft to the next level, but the course went above that. These concepts are easily applied and feel fluid, every tool it's own brushstroke in the canvas of my DAW. I can flexibly utilize all of this at a whim, and with specific intent.

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Phu T
Posted 9 months ago

I really like how detailed these lessons are.

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